Renaissance Hipsters

Renaissance sculptures of the human form are startlingly accurate. We get tears and veins and fingernails – it’s truly a humbling experience to walk through any museum that features work from this period. Take these, from a recent wandering to the Gallery Borghese in Rome:

I know I’m not wondering what these guys and gals would look like dressed. But there are people out there who do – like retoucher Alexis Persani and photographer Leo Callard, for instance. I imagine this is what the boys were initially thinking when they launched their “Street Stone” project. Just look:

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Their work is astoundingly meticulous. When I first stumbled upon these photos, I thought: How in the hell do they get those button down shirts on those guys? The answer is photoshop. The only way Renaissance men can wear the classic Ray Bans, Vans and Levi’s, I suppose.

Until soon,


About wanderingmuses31

We are both from the USA, and now we live in Thessaloniki, Greece. We are friends with similar interests and hobbies - namely photography and all things aesthetically pleasing and lots of laughter. We don't claim to know about a lot of things, but hope that you find inspiration in some of the things that inspire us. Thanks.
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2 Responses to Renaissance Hipsters

  1. Jannaire Faulkner says:

    This is brilliance. xo

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